[ApolluxPlays] Chris Roberts Freelancer – Part 5 – A lot of fuss about a chinese LED

Yo space cadets! Buckle up for a stellar ride in Chris Roberts Freelancer – Part 5. We’re kickin’ it into hyperdrive with cosmic races, Chinese LEDs from Wish, and more space drama than a black hole soap opera. All top notch cardamine quality. We blast off to the outer reaches, ready to race Dexter Hovis for secrets about Dr. Quintaine remains. Not the dead body parts, but the living, breathing, […]

Freelancer Episode #5: Flee from Liberty

What’s up my fellow spacepilots!? Welcome to today’s Freelancer Episode 5: Flee from Liberty Microsoft’s Freelancer Gameplay. It’s the fifth episode of Freelancer and thus makes Freelancer the longest Series of Apollux Plays Games. It’s been a long while since we played Freelancer for the last time, one reason is that I needed to migrate Gamefiles from another Hard drive to my actual, and yeah. So what happened the last […]

Freelancer Episode #4: Thinfoilhat geschwurbel and the germans invading (again)

Greeeeetings, spacepilots. Be welcomed to another Lets play of Freelancer: Episode #4. While progressing the Story, we run into thinfoilhats everywhere. Boy, population grows quickly lol. Last Episode we went hunting some artifact smugglers in the northern Liberty System of Colorado. We arrested a criminal called Sean Ashcroft and brought him for interogation to Battleship Missouri. In todays Episode we escort an classified artifact transport, to bring the artifacts to […]