My Summer Car Gameplay #3 – 1337 M3c4n1c

‘sup Greasemonkeys Its Apollux here, challenged with the Task to write a text to my newest piece 1337 M3c4n1c – My Summer Car Gameplay #3. I enjoy this format very much not using YouTube but having all the challenges with running a own blog. Starting from legal stuff to hosting solutions. It is quite a journey, I can tell you. But also very rewarding. The process of shooting a video […]

My Summer Car Season 2: a (more) German approach

‘sup. Welcome to this My Summer Car Season 2. Today we take a more German approach to that shitfuckery of a game. You see, this is a car mechanic simulator. And we have been playing it, without the car mechanic aspect. In the last Episode we were more or less sitting around drinking Beer and Booze. Don’t get me wrong, this is not a particulary bad thing to do, but […]