Gameplay / My Summer Car / Simulator / Survival

My Summer Car Season 2: a (more) German approach

‘sup. Welcome to this My Summer Car Season 2. Today we take a more German approach to that shitfuckery of a game. You see, this is a car mechanic simulator. And we have been playing it, without the car mechanic aspect. In the last Episode we were more or less sitting around drinking Beer and Booze. Don’t get me wrong, this is not a particulary bad thing to do, but its more like an addition to your whole days work. LoL, I digress. So, My Summer Car, yes, like I said. In this Season 2 of this Let’s play series we start a bit more reputable. We go ahead and start to assemble the engine block in the workshop. You know, the kinda german way of engineering. Efficient and pedantic. Things are working quite well, only the stress meter is going up, for no obvious reason. Maybe our In-Game avatar hasn’t change his attitute towards work quite yet. So while we work on the Engine, we throw on the sauna, for that good old finnish style relaxation. If there is one thing in particular, that My Summer Car has told me, that d be that you have to own a sauna. And that you dont speed over a railroad crossing with a tiny dirtbike. After a hearty breakfast we go over to uncle to borrow his blue van. And grandma called too, ah family, you gotta love it. She wants to get some fish from the lake. We go down there and discover a boat. From there we set sail and things are gonna have a kinda pirate-kind of turn. Here are some more keywords, for you Google <3 : Let’s play My Summer Car season 2. What a gaming Gaming. Nice. Also subscribe to my Email Newsletter so you don’t miss out any new video!

You definitely have to check out the game’s developers page Its the real retro stuff. You gotta love it hehehe

Aaaaaand: You wanna see the rest of the series? Check this

Hi I am a mad scientist and a philosopher who likes to play video games. Especially simulations, space games and weird stuff you can find on the Internet. Oh and Viking shit. Get yourself some snacks, or a joint, or both. who cares. get seated and enjoy the show.
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