GTA San Andreas Rainbomized
Whaddup Folks, I recently discovered a fun Mod: GTA San Andreas It’s Rainbomized and you can find it here.
Have you seen Boats driving around the streets? Or Planes? Rainbomizer is *the* shit when it comes to mods. It adds such a level of chaos and unforeseen shit-frenzy that it truly is an adventure every time you you play this madness.
GTA San Andreas was one of my most favourite Games I played back in the Day when it came out. It has a real nice story line and its gameplay and graphics were very advanced back in the day. And the Map size *.* Just awesome.
Not with this mod installed, the Gameplay has changed a lot. You still go on as CJ and do you missions, but in a total randomized order. Also weapons, traffic and voicelines have been randomized for the player to have a unique experience again after playing the stock game again again. And yes, I can agree, this is a totally unique experience. I really enjoyed playing it and maybe we will add some more episodes in the future of GTA San Andreas Rainbomized. There are also different versions of that mod available, being developed on a steady base. You need to install an ASI Loader as well, but you will find many useful ( and some shit ) tutorials on YouTube. Just smash the search on there and you will find some useful stuff.
Im sorry for the misalined picture, I know this is probably midly infuriating. Also the audio is sometimes a bit quiet. I got these things and i’ll improve in the future.