Ego-Shooter / Gameplay / Open World / Roleplay / Shooter / Survival

DEATH BY SQUIRTGUN – Apollux Plays Fallout 4

A very sunmery Greeting to you and welcome (back) to Apollux Plays Games – today it’s DEATH BY SQUIRTGUN Apollux plays Fallout 4. I know I know, it is not the most recent game, and yes I have so many Series on my page, I really don’t need another one. So, as a solution orientated fella I decided this not being a series. *

I enjoyed Fallout 4 always, it being Bethesda’s last good Fallout, and I literally put hundreds of hours into playing this shit. I travelled the Commonwealth wide and far and progressed the storyline quit a bit, ( without ending it tho, because I just don’t wanna end this game). I also travelled to Far Harbour, a very well developed DLC for the Franchise. It was a great journey traveling the misty forests in northern Maine USA.

But here is a thing: I literally never travelled to Nuka World, the second story DLC for the game. In my nearly 240 Hours of gameplay I never went there.

I started the game waay before I started my Blog, and now I recognized that I’ve never been there, and that’s good.

Because I can freaking take you with me when I go the first time. So first we have to find the Nuca Cola Transit center, which was no real task, then we had to fight our way in – the compound was secured by an assaulttron, a tincanny son of a bitch shooting laser rays from his head. But who am I telling, everyone who played before knows those suckers. Then we entered we met a lunatic. but see for yourself. As we took the train to Nuka world we got to chat with a nice individual who took control of the P.A. Want a lovely guy. I didn’t really listinen, I have to admit tho.

When we arrived at Nuka World we got greeted with a Labyrinth full of joy and fun. I genuinely didn’t know what was awaiting me there. Well what is left to say; we visited all the different layers of this fun and entertaining accomodation and enjoyed my time there very much.

In the end we met the guy in charge, a lovely fella with a great Faible for electricity. There was a little up and down and round and round and then the story took a turn.the title may give a hint. I was quite surprised but again, I never played that and so how should I know?

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I hope you will enjoy DEATH BY SQUIRTGUN Apollux plays Fallout 4, I hope you have a lovely day!

Hi I am a mad scientist and a philosopher who likes to play video games. Especially simulations, space games and weird stuff you can find on the Internet. Oh and Viking shit. Get yourself some snacks, or a joint, or both. who cares. get seated and enjoy the show.
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